Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Couldn't put it down!

I was trying to find a new book and had some samples on my Kindle.  I wanted something good to read that would keep me interested.  I never imagined when I started reading in the morning, that I would pick the book up again in the early evening and continue to read it until I finished at 1:30am!  Needless to say, it was a good book and I was exhausted the next day!

I am taking about Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.  The book description intrigued me.  The story is about Louisa, who has just lost her job and is searching for a new one.  She is from a working class family and her family depends on her income.  After many attempts to find employment, she interviews for a job working as a caregiver to a man that is a quadriplegic.

Will was in an accident which left him unable to move from the neck down.  He is young, angry and not the friendliest.   Louis is challenged and without giving anything away, she finds out exactly why she was hired, which changes her life in so many ways.

This is a great book.  So many terrific characters and issues to discuss.  This would be a wonderful book club selection.   I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chick-lit at its best!

Jennifer Weiner, bestselling author and one of my favorite chick-lit authors, recommended a book by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, authors of The Nanny Diaries.  I loved The Nanny Diaries so I couldn't wait to read this one.

Between You and Me is the story of Logan Wade and her very famous, pop-star cousin, Kelsey.  When Logan is called out of the blue, flown out to Los Angeles, and asked to work for Kelsey, who she hasn't had contact with in years, as her personal assistant, a while new world opens up to Logan and you go on a real ride with her as she navigates a personal life, professional life and family life in this new tabloid-filled world.

If you have ever wondered what being a personal assistant to a famous person would be like, you will get your answer.  It's not all it is made up to be and with Logan's family issues, it makes it even harder.  Without giving away too much, you know Logan and Kelsey were very close as children and were then torn away by their parents.  There is a bit of a mystery as to why this happened and as the story goes on, you learn more about what really separated them as children.

This is a fun book that will open your eyes to the world of stardom and make you really think about what it might be like to be famous.  From people watching your every move, to tabloid journalists doing anything to get a story and even having your relationships questioned in the media.  This is a great little story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Promise of Stardust

I was one of the lucky early readers on ReadingGroupGuides.com to receive Priscille Sibley's The Promise of Stardust This book is so good!  The story is of a husband and wife who have tried for years to get pregnant.  Finally, the wife is pregnant, has an accident and is now on life support.  Her husband is faced with the decision to end her life support or keep it on until the baby can be safely born.  Sound interesting?  Just wait because it gets better.  Everyone turns on the husband when he makes his decision and a lawsuit begins.

One of the main themes to the story becomes (without the husband meaning it or wanting it to) the controversy of life and choice.  This book will have you feeling differently with each turn of the page.  This book has everything.  There is the medical drama, the lawsuit. court proceedings and emotions that will have you riveted.  You can't help but feel for everyone involved.

I highly recommend this one.  You will love it, I promise!  If you don't, let me know because we need to talk.

***This book will be published on February 5th.  You can pre-order it on Amazon now.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Proof of Heaven: A Different Kind of Near Death Experince

Someone told me to read Proof of Heaven.  It is a book about a near death experience.  What makes this book different is that it is written by a neurosurgeon and is based is on his own experience.

Some of you know my mom went through a very difficult procedure in the hospital last year.  It ended up she needed emergency brain surgery (craniotomy) and watching her come out of it and wondering if she would be the same, was a horrible ordeal.  Being on a neuro ICU unit for 4 weeks, I was so curious as to what she was going through.  She would talk once in her sleep, she wasn't in a coma, she was heavily sedated.  Did she have a near death experience?  No.  But I was so curious and this book sounded right up my alley. She did have "ICU Psychosis" which is theme described in the book and really helped me understand what she was going through at that point.  Her dreams were so real to her, she really believed these tings were happening.

Being a neurosurgeon and understanding the brain is one thing.  To be a scientist that always brushed off these stories of near death experiences, and having your own, is all together different.  This book is a  very quick read.  It doesn't drag, it takes you on a ride and is so interesting.  Here is scientist that questioned his faith and is now having a NDE that was so real.

For anyone interested and especially for people that wonder about these things, this is a book for you.  What a great book club read it would be.  There are so many discussions here to be had.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Light Between Oceans

For my first blog post back, I have selected The Light Between Oceans by ML Stedman.  This is the story of Tom and Isabel, a couple that lives at the furthest point of Western Australia, tending a lighthouse, with no one around for miles.

After trying to carry a baby to full term for years, Isabella and Tom's lives change forever when a boat carrying a dead man and a very alive baby wash up to shore.  It is a day that will change their lives forever and a decision that will have consequences for everyone for the rest of their lives.

This book sounded like it could be boring at the beginning.  I mean, a couple on a remote island, cut off from everyone for 6 months at a time could drag on.  Not the case!  The writing is beautiful and keeps the reader engaged.  It was hard to put the book down, wondering what would happen next.

Be prepared to really think about how your decisions impact your life and those around you for years to come.  This is a great, thought provoking book.

I'm Back!

Well, after working for a bit and life in general, I am back!  This blog is on the get-go now!  There are many books on my wishlist and I am ready to read and blog.  Thanks for sticking in there with me!

Here is to all the good books to come!
